Meatloaf Hettie’s Style, aka Klops

Finally, here is a meat dish! I’ve paused blogging for about a week, which does not seem a good idea – who would stop blogging about cooking right in the middle of the cooking season?!

But I did, since there were lots of family visits, and lots of actual cooking. The good part is – a significant portion of my cooking activities are documented :), and will gradually appear in this blog.

This meatloaf recipe, as most of my recipes, is super-simple and very “approximate” – the amount of all ingredients can vary depending on availability and personal preferences. For this particular meatloaf (or klops, as it used to be called in my family) I took:

1 3/4 lb of ground chuck
1 1/2 lb of ground pork
7 eggs
3/4 cup of dried minced onions
salt, seasoning

First, hard boil, cool and peel 4 eggs. Then combine beef and pork. Just beef is fine, as long as it is not too lean (otherwise the meatloaf will be too dry). Or you can combine beef and ground turkey.


Then add minced onions (you can also use fresh yellow onion, but I am often lazy in these cases)


Mix in remaining 3 eggs. I recommend that you first add just 2, then mix, and then see, whether you need the third one (the mix should be rather moist and sticky).  Add salt and seasoning. I would say 2 tsp of salt, but you may want/need more. For the seasoning my favorite is Khmeli-Suneli (pictured):



It a mix of different spices, including oregano, shambala, basil, hot red pepper, bay leaf, mint, majoran, and others, and some salt, too). But feel free to use your favorite spices for meat dishes.

Divide meat into two halves. Spread one half on the bottom of the roasting pan (about one inch thick):


Arrange boiled eggs on top:

And cover with another layer of meat:


Preheat oven to 375F. roast for 30 min, then reduce hit to 350F and roast for another 40 min.

Now you can see, why the ground beef shouldn’t bee too lean: all the fat pores out of the meatloaf (I just discard it), but the meatloaf itself becomes very soft.

We rarely finish the whole meatloaf at one sitting :), and I cut the rest into slices and use it for several more days for lunch or dinner, cold or warmed up:


Hope you try and enjoy it – this recipe is everybody’s favorite, because it’s so simple!

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